Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Full House Oddities

So I've watched a few episodes of Full House recently and notice a couple of odd things that I need to point out.

In one episode, it is mentioned that Danny is 33. In the same episode it is also mentioned that DJ is 14. Do a little math - Danny was 19 when DJ was born and therefore probably 18 when his wife got pregnant. I suspect there is a good back story there that was never revealed...maybe a good topic for some fan fiction...if fan fiction for Full House is even something worth thinking about.

In another episode, Jesse and Joey are watching Wake Up San Francisco. Jesse tells Joey that Rebecca is supposed to wink in the show to signify if they have a date for that evening or not - one wink for yes, two winks for no. Rebecca does a double wink, Jesse gets all excited, calls it a double wink and says he needs to get the champaign ready. I'm confused though...two winks meant no. And I even rewound it twice to make sure I heard correctly that one wink is yes and two winks is no. Hmmm.....I think John Stamos messed up the line and no one noticed.

Whelp, that's it.

1 comment:

  1. I used to notice on Full House that people would always barge in the front door and leave it wide open.
