Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Letter 2012

I know it's a little late for a Christmas Letter, but better late than never. We decided to do a blog post instead of a mailed letter this year. So here it is:

Caroline is growing really well. She is 13 months old now. Her growth rate is on track and she is hitting all the developmental milestones she should. She can say a few words now: Mama, Bum Bum (our word for diaper) and Bable (for bottle). If you ask her “where’s the dog?” she’ll look over at the dog. Caroline likes to share whatever she is holding. If you ask “Can I have it?” she will hand you whatever is in her hand. She loves to pretend to feed us food from her hand and she adores her baby doll. Caroline will look at books for seemingly forever and has a very happy disposition. Recently she's started taking invisible hats off her head to hand to us to put on. For Christmas she got lots of toys and books and games and clothes. Her favorite is her new puppy stuffed animal. She'll make "arf arf" sounds in reference to our dog and to her stuffed doggie. We sure love our little baby bug!

Ryan continues as a software developer at Adobe. They have opened their new building in Lehi, which makes the commute a little longer. The Front Runner train has opened and Adobe has give UTA passes to all of the employees so Ryan has been taking the train to work. It takes a little longer, but Ryan enjoys the time for reading and we both enjoy the savings on gasoline.

Angela is loving spending the days with Caroline.  She has started a fun sticker collection of stickers from businesses and companies. She enjoys reading during naptime and watching television programs on Netflix or from the DVR.

Here are a few photos. Hope you had a wonderful holiday season. May your 2013 be wonderful!

The Baarz Family
Ryan, Angela, Caroline

We had to have a family photo with Santa because Caroline was scared.
Happy Birthday!!

Getting ready to go out into the snow.

Mom and Caroline on Caroline's Birthday

Daddy at Caroline's Birthday party.


  1. Cute pictures! Boy you two sure make a gorgeous little girl!

  2. Ah, Caroline's so cute. Did she enjoy the book I sent her for Christmas?

    By the way, I didn't know you grew your hair out.

  3. My favorite picture is the one of Caroline opening her gift! "Ooh!" Cutest. thing. ever. =)
