Friday, August 10, 2012

Mom Guilt - Let Go of Guilt -

I just had to share this. It is so funny. It is a list of 20 things that moms should not feel guilty about. Most of them are true for me. My commentary is highlighted in yellow. Sorry for everything else being in white. I don't have the patience to try and fix it right now.

1. Wanting to stay home with your baby. Check.
2. Loving your job. That would require having one. tee hee.
3. Hating your husband now and then. Hate is a strong word, but I do roll my eyes at him behind his back a lot more these days.
4. Still not wanting sex way, way, way after your six-week checkup. No comment.
5. Not reading to your baby as much as all the experts say you should. You mean I'm not a terrible mom for having books that just sit on the shelf? Phew.
6. Introducing a bottle as soon as you get home from the hospital (even though you’re not sure your milk supply is established yet) so you can get some sleep. Ha! We introduced the bottle before she even left the hospital! I feel grateful that I have been able to pump milk and give Caroline almost no formula for these past 8 1/2 months. Only 5 more months left til I can store away that evil pump. But I totally get why moms switch to formula. I'd probably switch too if my milk supply wasn't so great and if I wasn't so cheap. Dang is formula expensive.
7. Supplementing with formula at any time. I did feel a little guilty about giving Caroline formula while we were on vacation. It was only like 5 bottles total of formula and I felt bad for not giving her the "healthier" stuff - that's mom guilt for you. Guilt - another reason I'm still pumping.
8. Lying to the other women in your mommy group about how long your baby sleeps at night (but you will get more sympathy if you tell the truth). Never did have to lie - Caroline has always been a champ at sleeping. I try not to bring it up because I don't want others moms to feel bad.
9. Not keeping up with all the milestones you’re supposed to be recording in your baby book. Just had this conversation (complete with tears) with Ryan just last week.
10. Never even starting the baby book. Well at least I got that far.

11. Saying, “Great idea—I’ll try it!” to your mother-in-law’s advice when you have absolutely no intention of giving it an iota of thought once she walks out the door. I can't think of any specific times, but I don't doubt that I have done it to my mother-in-law and my own mom.
12. Telling your partner you’re going to the doctor for a checkup when you’re actually going for a massage, pedicure, or to have your hair highlighted (it’s not like he’s going to notice anyway). Can't admit to this one. Sorry.
13. Paying cash for your massage/pedicure/highlights so he won’t discover the credit card charge. I pay cash for fast food while Ryan is at work. Does that count?
14. Refusing another mom’s invitation to a playdate because you can’t stand it that she can leave crystal on her coffee table and toilet paper on the rollers and her baby doesn’t bother any of it. Not yet.
15. Feeling a twinge of delight when the above mom’s baby still isn’t saying any words and yours has a vocabulary of six! Not yet either.
16. Putting on the Baby Einstein DVD for the third time before lunch so you can apply some makeup because that cute landscaping guy is due to come by and cut your grass sometime this afternoon (just because you don’t want to have sex doesn’t mean you’re dead). Baby swing and playpen.
17. Wanting to spend Mother’s Day alone instead of with your family. Amen!
18. Going to visit your parents for the weekend because you know they will insist on doing everything for the baby and your mother will cook all your favorite foods for you. (Grandmothers can spoil their own children as well as their grandchildren.) Yes yes and yes!
19. Napping when the baby naps even though he’s nine months old. Hmm....just woke up from one of those.
20. Driving your baby home from the mall with poop in his diaper because the bathroom is all the way at the other end and you know he couldn’t care less anyway. Guilty.

Here is the link to the actual article:
Mom Guilt - Let Go of Guilt -

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I know I'm going to be guilty of a few of these.
