Friday, August 31, 2012

Goings On

Sorry for the lack of writing. Maybe I'll be able to do better??

This post is basically going to be little anecdotes and randomness from the lives of us here at the Baarz House.

Caroline is now 15th percentile for weight. We are so excited about her growth. She is small and cute and we can't get enough of her. She is crawling all over and just today started chasing the dog around and playing tug-o-war with the dog and the dog toys. So cute. And so many giggles. She says "mama" and "dada" (but without meaning) and she loves trying to eat big people food.

One of Caroline's baby bib's says "I'm breaking the budget." Ryan HATES this bib. I had to pull it out of the trash because Ryan threw it away because of his hate for this bib. He says the message is awful and kids shouldn't feel like they are a burden (financial or otherwise) on the family. Ryan accurately stated that Caroline isn't breaking the budget, she is part of the budget as is Ryan and myself.

There is a wormhole from our silverware drawer to the side table by the couch. I know this to be true because there is always a spoon or fork sitting on the table. I swear I pick up a piece of silverware off that table and put it in the sink 12 times a day. Maybe the wormhole is in the sink?

I told Ryan that Caroline is a genius in France (referencing the Weird Al song Genius in France). Ryan: Of course. Like in Baby Geniuses (referencing the movie)
Angela: Oh, so she hasn't crossed over.
Ryan: Huh?
Angela: She hasn't crossed over. Like in the movie.
Ryan: What?
Angela: Have you seen the movie?
Ryan: No.
Angela: You can't reference a movie you haven't seen!

My new love: Listia. It's an auction website, but you don't bid with money - you bid with points. You get free points when you join and for doing a few things here and there around the site. But the main way to get points is to sell items. Then you take your points and bid on items. Since you are bidding with points, essentially all of the items are FREE. It's really neat. I've won a couple of things already. Some sellers charge for shipping (but not all - it's a sellers choice.) It's really neat. I've sold a few things too which means I now have more points for bidding. description of this probably sucks, but if you want to look into it, click here to sign up and you and I will both get extra points for bidding on free stuff. Who doesn't like free?

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