Monday, August 11, 2014

Stories From My Childhood: Salmon Loaf

One of our family's favorite dinner meals was Salmon Loaf. If it sounds strange, it is. It's kind of like a meatloaf, but instead of ground beef, you use canned salmon. But oddly enough, we found (and still find) it delicious. One thing you may not know about salmon: the bones are edible. And honestly, they are the most delicious part. I would love a bowl full of salmon bones as a snack.

Backing up just a bit: the kids in my family have never been known as adventurous eaters. But somehow my parents were able to get us to eat salmon bones. My husband has commented on how surprising it is that we not only like salmon bones, but we were willing to try it in the first place. Still not sure how my parents sold us on the concept of eating salmon bones; I just remember thinking it was cool that I could eat bones.

We would fight over the bones in our salmon loaf. My dad would fish out the bones from the salmon before making the loaf and put them on top of the loaf so we could see how many pieces we would get on our slice. Yum, yum, yum.

Anyway...there really isn't a point to this story other than we loved salmon loaf.

Here's the recipe in case you are interested in trying it.

1 can of salmon (it's the funny shaped can near the tuna)
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
1 sleeve of saltine crackers

Smash up the sleeve of crackers (we would use a rolling pin)
Open the can of salmon and (if desired) dispose of the black parts (they are edible, but not as appetizing so it is up to you)
Mix the salmon, crackers, milk and egg together and put into a loaf pan
Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

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