Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Caroline at the farm

Today I took the girls to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. (We went because I wanted to procrastinate doing the dishes - which still aren't done...maybe after I'm done blogging...)

It was a lot of fun and Caroline got to ride the ponies while we were there. She wouldn't let me help her hold on, but she didn't need my help anyway - she loved it. She got a little scared when one of the other ponies neighed, but that didn't last long.

Couple of funny things Caroline said (since it is Wednesday and all):

There was a pen with a mommy goat and three baby goats. One of the babies was sniffing around the edge of the pen and Caroline said, "Oh no! Baby goat get out the farm!" She was so concerned that the goat was going to get out.

As we passed by the horses, one of the horses peed. Caroline sees this and says, "Horse peed the farm!"

One more story (but it is not farm related). Caroline has been bugging Lily lately. We've been trying to tell Caroline that when the dog growls, she needs to stop and leave her alone. The other day, Caroline wanted to play with Lily and Lily started growling. I reminded Caroline that she can't play with Lily when she is growling. Caroline looks at Lily and says, "Lily, stop growling!" 

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