Monday, June 9, 2014

Stories From My Childhood: Puppy People

When I was in elementary school, I spent one day a week outside of my regular classroom in a gifted program. This class was a mix of grades 1-5 and when I was in 1st and 2nd grade, it was a little intimidating to be with all of these older kids. They were really nice to me though and I suppose I got along okay (well, not in 1st grade, but by 2nd grade I was socially mature enough...but that's a story for another day.) One of our projects we worked on for weeks was an Around the World sort of thing where we were put into groups.

I won't go into more detail about the actual project since it doesn't matter much to the story - but for those of you who knew Mrs. D, I am referring to Big Buck Billionola. I googled that to see if I could get a little more info about it since my memory of the project is a little vague and found out that a school in Indonesia also did this group project back in 2004.

Anyway, as I was saying...we were put into groups. Each group had to come up with a name. It turned out that everyone in our group had a puppy - everyone but me. They asked me if I at least wanted a puppy because then we would all have something in common to use as our group name. Not wanting to be disagreeable, I said yes (even though I was terrified of dogs at the time.) And thus we became The Puppy People. But hey, I learned how to spell "people" during that unit.

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