Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog Blurbs

So I often find things that are too long to be a facebook post, but too short to be a blog post. I have compiled several of them here to make "blog blurbs." They are not related to one another; just fun and random. Enjoy.


Sometimes Ryan talks as he is falling asleep - not exactly "in his sleep" but right as he is falling asleep he sometimes says some really random, silly things. Example: "I'm gonna do it like I do other things: wait til you're in the most comfortable place and then switch it over."


You know you are raising a child in 2013 when your 18 month old baby likes to "talk" with Siri - and knows what button to push to have the conversation. (FYI, I wrote this back when Caroline was 18 months old.)


Caroline pooped in the potty today (11/12/13). We were eating lunch, she starting "making the face and sounds." I asked if she was pooping. She said yeah, so I got her to the bathroom, asked if she wanted her little potty or the big potty. She chose the little potty, I stripped her and sat her down. And she pooped. She was a little concerned at first - I think she didn't like her little potty being dirty. Combine that with her never having gone in the little potty before so she probably just didn't know what to expect. But I think all my praise (and candy) helped her to know it was a good thing. And now she knows how the process works. I don't think she's ready for full-on potty training or anything, but the process has been started.


In the mail today I got not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE pieces of mail that were delivered to the incorrect house. And they weren't even all to the same house. Makes me a little worried that I didn't get all of my mail. Sloppy work from our mail man today. Ryan says I should write a letter to the post office (if they ever get it.)


If you read my last post about the terrible twos, I'd like to note that since writing that, Caroline has been an absolute peach. Maybe I just needed to write out my feelings and vent to help change my attitude. Because I doubt she just magically became an angel - though she hasn't had one of her "I'm tired so I'm going to scream about anything and everything and then scream so more." tantrums.


1 comment:

  1. I feel like Zoey is already in her terrible twos and she's only 19 months. There are some days where she just freaks out over every. little. thing. O.O
