Sunday, November 10, 2013

Terrible Twos

Ryan described the terrible twos perfectly today. Basically Caroline is making the transition from baby to kid. As she learns how to be a kid (instead of a baby), she is, well, crazy. Caroline turns two in just over a week and boy has she been a pill lately. She started acting out a little when Daisy came home, but got over that within a couple weeks or so. The tantrums are back and she is bugging the crap out of me. I love her so much, but her whining is so annoying. She gets so whiny if she doesn't get what she wants. And of course I can't give her what she wants all the time and therefore I have to endure a lot of crying (from her and me). And it doesn't help that I can only understand about half of what she says. She is always learning new words, but her annunciation isn't very good yet so it's always a guessing game (while Caroline cries) trying to figure out what she wants. And then when I guess correctly, the answer always seems to be no (because you can't have cookies right before dinner, etc) and then the crying starts again. On a happier note, Daisy slept over 7 hours last night. Yay for that.

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