Sunday, April 29, 2012

Apologies for the Ignoring of the Blog

It's been a while since I've posted - or even read others blogs. I don't think I'll even be able to catch up on all the reading so I apologize now for not reading the blogs I follow as well as I would like. But I have a few minutes before Amazing Race starts to type up a blog post. So here it is: Caroline is growing into such a cutie. She grabs her feet ALL THE TIME now and will thump her legs repeatedly in her crib before she falls asleep and when she wakes up. She loves to grab anything put in front of her and loves to looks at EVERYTHING. It's so cute and so fun to watch her watch and discover the world. She acts differently in new places and looks around even more. You can tell she is trying to figure out the new place. One of my favorite things is being able to distinguish her different cries. She has a specific cry for when she is tired, a cry for when she is hungry and the cutest little cry for when we are about to put the bottle in her mouth but it isn't there yet. She gets all shy when she sees herself in the mirror - all wide eyed and big smiles and then she puts her head down and turns away in that classic shy way. Ryan and I have a new obsession - Words With Friends. It gets a little competitive, but Ryan has beaten me in 3 out of 4 games - in the fourth game I beat him by 70 points because of the word ZINC on a Triple Word Score and the Z on a Double Letter Score. I really want to get the house organized. I'm getting TONS better at keeping the house clean, but I have such a desire to have all my craft supplies and seasonal decorations all organized into plastic tots. I also want to go through all my kitchen appliances and gadgets and get them organized better so things are more accessible. I'm having fun making new things for dinners too. And using coupons! Last week I got paid $4.50 to get 6 protein bars. Seriously? A store is going to pay me to take product off their shelves. OKAY!!!! Last Sunday was Caroline's baby blessing. She looked so adorable in her little dress. And Ryan gave such a beautiful blessing to our daughter. We love Caroline so much and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. Anyway...I don't want to make this post too long so I'll end here. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up better.

1 comment:

  1. Who's cuter: Caroline or Melissa when she was a baby?
