Saturday, September 11, 2010

Busy Week

I wish I had more time for blogging. Work is crazy busy. I'm hoping things will calm down once all the meetings, planning and prepping are done and I can get into the grove of teaching. I'm wondering how realistic that hope is though. At least work is fun (ish). It's just busy. The house is a complete mess. That's tomorrow's task; clean the house and make it look livable again. There seem to be so many other things that need to get done before the work week starts again though. Grocery shopping, exercising (I've been doing really bad at that lately), updating my blogs (I know it isn't that important, but I like to think it is.) prepping some work stuff, walking the dog (she needs some attention). I guess we'll see how it goes. I'd really like some time to read too, but I think that is just asking for too much.

Oh, here's a fun little joke I heard the other day: Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read.

I guess it wouldn't be right to end this post with out saying something about 9-11. It's been almost 10 years. There are tons and tons of kids out there that weren't even alive yet on that tragic day in 2001 and yet, at least to me, it seems like it has been such a recent event. God bless those that have been affected by the events of 9-11 and by the events that followed related to keeping America and people worldwide safe and free.

1 comment:

  1. It's fun to see you so fully a member of the adult world -- busy, busy, busy!!!

    Great joke!
