Sunday, July 13, 2014


So...I've been slacking on my blog for the past couple of weeks. Ryan had a week off of work so we were doing vacation/staycation stuff and then my family was visiting from Missouri. Add that to all the drama involved with getting our house in Provo fixed back up after the vandalism and ready to sell. Add that to normal life and things haven't exactly been our normal routine. So I'll start back up with the normal blog stuff tomorrow with a story from my childhood. But today I wanted to talk about one of my new loves: Ibotta

Ibotta is an app for your smartphone/tablet where you can earn money doing your normal shopping. There are different stores (Walmart, Target, Kroger, WinCo, Sams, Costco, etc) that are partnered with Ibotta. They have different rebates that you have to "unlock." Unlocking coupons is super easy. Most of them are look at recipes, take polls, trivia questions, etc. A few are watch a video or share on facebook/twitter. It really is very easy and not hard at all and all done within the app.

Once you have unlocked the coupon you can buy the item at the store, take a photo of the receipt (again, all within the app) and within 24 hours (but usually much, much quicker than that) you get your rebate added to your account. Once you have at least $5 (which isn't hard), you can transfer the money to your paypal account.

For example, there is usually a milk rebate. You answer a survey question (like what is your favorite type of milk: white, chocolate or strawberry) and the rebate is now unlocked. Then you go buy your milk like you were going to do anyway. Then you submit the rebate by taking a photo of your receipt in the app and you get money!

There are bonuses too. Like if you submit 3+ rebates in a week you get an extra 50 cents. On your first rebate, you get a $2 bonus. If you and your Ibotta-using facebook friends earn enough together, there is a "teamwork" bonus. (So make sure you link your account to facebook so we can help each other get the teamwork bonuses.)

I heard about this months ago and was skeptical at first. But after hearing so many good things about it, I've been using it for about a month now. It is fun, easy, quick and reliable. Since starting with Ibotta, I've gotten over $40 - actual cash. I've gotten rebates on milk, bread, ziplock, yogurt, juices, pull-ups, and more. I've even gotten some items for free because the rebate was as much as the actual product. should try it out!

Use this link HERE and sign up using facebook so we can be on the same team.

Also, please, please, please use the referral code: bjzarb
This code will make it so I get credit for recommending you to Ibotta and I'll get a bonus. (Sign up and recommend your own friends and yourself a bonus too.)

No pressure or anything, but I've really enjoyed it, and I think you would too!

Well, this ended up being longer than I meant for it to be, but oh well.

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