Monday, June 16, 2014

Stories From My Childhood: Worksheets

One of my favorite hobbies as a kid was doing worksheets. I was a total nerd. For today's story from my childhood, I'm going to share just a few little anecdotes about my love of worksheets.

*In fourth grade I would create my own worksheets on Saturday mornings while watching cartoons. I would make one worksheet for each school subject.
*There was one time when I was about 5 that my mom had to put a limit on the number of worksheets I could do in a day. I was mad.
*I would frequently get multiple copies of the same worksheet, do them over and over again and purposely get some wrong. Then I would go back and grade the worksheets.
*I would spend summer mornings doing worksheets and self-prescribing "summer school" to myself.
*If my school teachers had extra copies of worksheets, I would take them back to my desk and do them just for fun. Or take them home and do them there.
*My first grade teacher would find extra worksheets for me to do when I was bored in class.
*In kindergarten we were given a math workbook to take home. It wasn't homework or anything; just something the teacher had for us to use at home since we weren't going to be using them in class. I did the whole workbook - I don't remember how long it took me to do the whole thing, but it didn't take long.
*Once, I found a four leaf clover and then lost it. I was pretty upset about it. To cheer myself up, I did worksheets.
*Even in high school, I would make handwriting worksheets for me to do so I could practice writing with my left hand.
*And to this day, I have boxes and boxes of worksheets in my craft/school room leftover from when I taught 3rd grade and preschool that I just can't bare to part with. (What if I need them someday? Or if Caroline or Daisy want them?)

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