Sunday, November 24, 2013

10 Things You Didn't Know About Me

There is a trend on facebook right now where you post things most people don't know about you. I've avoided the facebook version, but I figure it could make a good blog post. So here goes:

1. I try really hard not to debate politics, child-rearing or religion - especially online. I keep my opinions to myself on those topics the best I can. It's not that I won't talk about them, but I avoid debates. This is because a couple years ago (ish) I think I may have hurt some people's feelings and/or alienated them with some comments I made on a controversial topic. And from that point on I have done my absolute best to just stay out of those topics.

2. When people at church ask where Ryan and I met, I say "right here." We met in the church building where we currently have church. We still live in the same neighborhood (Ryan in the same house) that we lived in when we met. And we instantly had a very strong connection that we cannot deny; we know we are each other's one and only! (I could write about this topic for hours.)

3. My motto in life is "Do the best you can with the knowledge and abilities you have at the time." Basically, don't judge yourself with 20/20 hindsight.

4. My favorite celebrities are: Rob Mariano (Boston Rob from Survivor), John Goodman, Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, Tom Hanks and John Cusack.

5. My favorite TV shows: Survivor, How I Met Your Mother, Parenthood, Degrassi, Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Law and Order: SVU and The Amazing Race.

6. I'm pretty sure I am the female equivalent of Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother. I could (and probably will) make a list of reasons why I think this.

7. I don't breastfeed nor do I formula feed my babies. With both of my girls, I have exclusively pumped milk and bottle fed my kids. It started because Caroline was born 5 weeks early and struggled to learn to eat. And with Daisy, it just became what I knew and liked. It may seem odd to some, but I love it and it works great for me.

8. I am a poser when it comes to crafts. I own all the craft stuff, I love the craft stuff, I want to make the craft stuff. But I rarely do any crafts. (Someday...someday)

9. Our house has been set up with Google Fiber internet and Google TV. They only started doing instals at the beginning of the month and we were lucky enough to be one of the first houses. You can tell Ryan and I are total nerds because when I told Ryan that I took pictures of the Google Fiber trucks outside our house, Ryan says "I did too!"

10. Until adulthood I thought Eddie Murphy was an obese man because of movie trailers for The Nutty Professor. Even when I watched Daddy Day Care as a teenager, I just thought that he had lost a lot of weight.

1 comment:

  1. I pumped almost exclusively for Zoey as well. Tried regular breastfeeding for about the first month and she just wasn't having it. I ended up liking pumping a lot more because I could do it on a schedule that suited me, other people could feed Zoey if I was not available, and she still got all the good nutrients of BM. I'll probably do this with our next child, too. So you are not alone!
